学生账户办公室致力于帮助学生在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学习期间满足他们的账户需求. 学生会计办公室的主要职能是协调和维护学生财务账户的各个方面, 包括学费账单, 房间, 董事会, 和费用. 其他职责包括生成账单, 处理付款, 发放退款, 维持支付计划. 我们乐于助人和知识渊博的工作人员随时准备帮助您和您的家人解决您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.
如有需要,请联络学生帐户职员: officeofstudentaccounts@photocreative.net
All students at 分 are assigned a student account to track campus fees. 学费, 住房, 膳食计划, 健康保险费(如适用)和其他杂费将记入学生账户. Payments made toward campus fees are shown as credits on your student account. If you receive a financial aid award, the funds are credited to the student account.
请记住:勤工俭学可能是你的经济援助奖励的一部分, 但这笔钱不会记入学生账户. 勤工俭学是一种有薪水的在校工作. – Financial aid awards and loans are not posted until all appropriate paperwork, 对应, 每学期完成网上报到.
学生会计办公室的通讯地址是1315 Oakwood avenue. 罗利,北卡罗来纳州27610.
你可以通过电话919推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜办公室的人.516.4127 -电邮: officeofstudentaccounts@photocreative.net.
The 学生账户 office accepts walk-in traffic Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 我们的出纳员接受星期一到星期五上午八点半的付款.m. 到下午4:30.m.
分使用无纸化计费系统. To view your web bill, students may log into their student portal 在这里: http://bit.ly/myfalconlanding.
- 一旦登录,点击学生财务.
- 选择您要查看的学期. (例如:2021年秋季)
- 要查看收费,请单击收费. 要查看财政援助,请点击财政援助.
- 余额会在页面底部写着"余额".
如果你需要打印一个学期的声明, 请点击所显示的学期旁边的“查看陈述”.
豁免秋季学期保险的截止日期已过. Any student that has the health insurance charge will keep the health insurance. 浏览福利一览,请点击这里: http://freeholdership.photocreative.net/gordon-health-center/student-health-insurance/
分使用无纸化计费系统. 我们可能会在整个学期中定期向您指定的分电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件提醒. 请定期查看您的账户,了解重要信息.
- Online – 学生 may pay their bills online by eCheck or credit/debit card (Visa, 万事达卡, 发现, or American Express) by logging in to My Falcon Landing>Student Finance>Make a Payment.
- By Mail – payments can be mailed to the 学生账户 Office, 1315 Oakwood Ave. 罗利,北卡罗来纳州27610. Please make checks payable to Saint Augustine’s University and include your 分 student ID#. 请把, “Attention to: 学生账户” when mailing any type of payment dealing with a students account.
什么是FERPA ?它对我有什么影响?
《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》(FERPA)是一部保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部. 请参阅 U.S. 教育部 以获取更详细的信息. 蒙大拿州立大学需要一份同意书才能公布包括经济援助在内的学生记录, 奖学金和账单/账户信息.
我有事,商务办公室有事. 这是什么意思??
It means a billing hold has been placed on your account due to an unpaid balance. Please review your Account Details and submit payment in full or establish a payment plan. 有关持有的问题,请联系学生账户.
我没有美国护照.S. 支票或储蓄帐户. 我怎样付款?
电汇可以发送到学生会计办公室. 联系 officeofstudentaccounts@photocreative.net 要求分提供银行信息. 请在所有电汇上附上你的学生证和汇款人的姓名.
注意:分不收取收到电汇的费用. 然而, 国际电汇需由汇款银行和收款银行之间的中介银行收取费用. 与您的银行核实,以确定哪些费用可能适用于您的电汇,并相应地调整您的转账金额.
我不同意在我的学生账户上增加费用. 我该联系谁??
请与收取费用的部门联系. 学生会计办公室应校园各部门的要求张贴费用,没有这些部门的指示,不能取消或免除这些费用. We can only direct you to the appropriate office so you can ask about the fee in question.
杂项收费的一些例子是图书馆罚款, 宿舍的伤害, 违规停车罚单, 保健服务费和部门/课程相关费用.
我得到了经济援助,并且知道我应该得到退款. 退款什么时候可以发给我?
Financial aid disbursement takes place after the Add/Drop period of the semester. 资金将首先用于您的账户余额和, 如果你获得了超额的经济援助, 贷方将显示在你的分类账上的退款金额(贷方将显示为负数)。. 退款将在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜从教育部收到您的资金后14天内发出. 如果您已经建立了直接存款, 您的退款将在14天内自动存入您在直接存款表上提供的银行账户. 如果您选择通过纸质支票收到退款, a check will be mailed to your home address within 14 days after the funds have arrived. Please monitor your student account through My Falcon Landing for the most up-to-date information. 对于个别学生来说,这个过程不能加快.
以确定您的退款金额, 将“已支付”的财政援助总额从有关学期的费用中减去. 请确认您的账户余额是否准确. 在加/退期之后增加或放弃的课程可能在经济援助到达时尚未反映在您的帐户详细信息中.
If you would like to receive your refund via direct deposit into your bank account, then you will need to submit the information 在这里 via the My Falcon Landing portal. 如果我们没有为您存档的直接存款表格, 然后将自动签发纸质支票. 您可以随时填写直接存款授权表格,以便通过直接存款获得未来的退款.
凭单表示您的退款正在处理或已经处理. Under “pay method” if it says “check” that means the refund will be issued via check. 如果它显示“电子支票”,这意味着您的退款将在一到三个工作日内直接存入您的银行账户.
学生 will be assessed the appropriate fees associated with each add or drop. If changes to your schedule are processed after your financial aid refund has been scheduled, 你必须承担任何额外的学费或费用. 在您的帐户上由于添加或放弃课程而产生的未偿余额可能会阻止您注册未来的课程. 取消课程的退款将根据我们公布的退款政策发放,如目录中所述. Please note that changes in your enrollment status may result in changes to your financial aid. 请查看目录了解更多信息.
This can result in 金融援助 being adjusted after a refund has been issued. 如果您的退款处理错误, 学生有责任立即退还学费. 如果不这样做,可能会导致帐户被保留.
我这学期的退款似乎比上学期少. 为什么会这样??
如果这是你的第二学期, you most likely had your tuition deposit credited to your account in your first semester. 另外, you may be registered for more classes this semester than in previous sessions, 经历过学杂费的上涨吗, 或者本学期获得较少的经济资助. 请在我的猎鹰登陆上查看您的帐户详细信息. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of 学生账户.
我有一个关于我的学生账户的问题. 我可以联系谁??
学生账户 is 在这里 to assist you in understanding your student account, 财务需求, 和义务. The Office of 学生账户 is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 学生账户可以通过电子邮件联系到 officeofstudentaccounts@photocreative.net 或拨打电话919.516.4127.
学生会计处提供直接存款,以方便学生退款. 再也不用担心你的纸质支票可能被寄到旧地址或在邮件中丢失. 直接存款比纸质支票更安全、更快捷. 一旦学生注册了直接存款,退款将以电子方式转入学生的银行账户,而不是邮寄支票. 学生 may use their 支票或储蓄帐户 to receive their refund. The 支票或储蓄帐户 must be a bank account within the United States.
当学校欠学生钱时,就会退款给学生. A refund could be generated due to financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans etc.) being applied to the student’s account that covers more than what is being charged, 系学分, 或者是多付. 通过直接存款退款将在周五处理. 通过纸质支票退款将每周发放一次,并邮寄到您在“我的猎鹰登陆”中显示的邮寄地址. Choosing a paper check over direct deposit may delay receipt of your refund.
登记或更新直接存款, login to My Falcon Landing and select Financial Information>Banking Information.
- 助学金存款将在学生账户处理退款后的3个工作日内存入您的银行账户.
- 在开任何支票或试图提取存款之前, you should contact your financial institution to verify your refund has been deposited.
- You are responsible for repayment if you receive money that you are not entitled to.
- If you take any action which results in non-acceptance of a transfer by your financial institution, 在退款之前,蒙大拿州立大学不承担处理退款的责任.
- 直接存款通知将发送到您在直接存款登记时指定的电子邮件.
- 直接存款只适用于学生退款. 除非家长要求将资金发放给学生,否则家长PLUS贷款的收益将以支票形式发放给借款人.
- Funds must be deposited into a bank account, checking or savings, within the United States.
*If you have direct deposit through university payroll or Accounts Payable, 你仍然需要注册直接存款以获得学生退款.
资金会在3个工作日内存入您的银行账户, 消除了邮寄地址问题, 无需等待大学通过印刷流程, 信封的折叠和填料, 不用等待邮寄服务来送你的支票, 不用在银行排队存入或兑现支票.
资金将以电子方式通过银行系统发送,与直接存款工资相同. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is safe, timely, and convenient – NO MORE LOST MAIL.
如果您在没有提供新的授权的情况下关闭了您的银行账户, 转账将被您的银行拒绝,并将延迟您的退款. A direct deposit can also be rejected if you entered an incorrect bank account number.
The account must be with a United States bank and can be either a 支票或储蓄帐户.
我可否指定多于一个户口作直接存款? 钱能打到我父母的账号上吗?
所有的资金必须存入一个支票或储蓄账户, 你可以指定任何支票账户或储蓄账户. 除非家长要求将资金发放给学生,否则家长PLUS贷款的剩余资金将以支票形式发放给借款人.
在学生账户办公室处理退款后,直接存款交易通常需要3-4个工作日. 在写任何支票或试图提取资金之前,联系您的金融机构核实存款是很重要的.
Will I be notified when funds are deposited into my 支票或储蓄帐户?
我这学期报名了直接存款. 下学期我还要再报名吗?
No, 只要你在上学,直接存款就有效, 或者你停用你的直接存款.
Login to My Falcon Landing >> select Financial Information >> select Banking Information
进入“银行信息”后,点击“添加银行账户”. 您必须确认您当前的银行信息. Once confirmed toggle over the “activate” button and this will deactivate the banking info. If you deactivate your account and are eligible for any further refunds, the refunds will be sent via paper check to your mailing address in My Falcon Landing.
How often does the 学生账户 office process direct deposit refunds?
直接存款退款在每周五处理. 纸质支票退款将每周发放一次,并邮寄到您在“我的猎鹰登陆”中所示的邮寄地址.
Login to My Falcon Landing>> select Financial Info >> select the Banking Information
Once in Banking Info, enter account and routing number in appropriate fields. 完成后单击确认.